Don’t you have issues like a lack of expertise in your company to develop and execute a digital transformation strategy, a lack of resources to work on local employees in your global business, or conflicts between global-based members and Japanese members?
Aren’t you in a situation having a just thick report for digital transformation delivered from a consulting firm, but no execution happening?
We will assist clients in creating true value with reasonable costs.

Craft and execute digital transformation strategy
In today’s business environment, digital transformation is a key enabler to gain competitive advantage. However, it often turns a means into an end; just looking for new technologies, doing like POCs. To execute effective digital transformation, it is required to align a business target and strategy. Our approach is to understand your business strategy first, then support crafting and executing an effective digital transformation strategy based on your business strategy.

Craft and execute IT strategy
What is the difference between IT strategy and digital transformation strategy? There is no clear definition of the difference between IT and Digital. They are often used in the same contexts. When you say digital transformation, it often intends a drastic transformation of business models or business processes leveraged by digital technologies. When you say IT strategy, it often intends to optimize IT or information systems that support business with existing operations. Either way, we will assist in crafting and executing strategies flexibly for your company’s situation.

Project Management
Crafting strategy is not an end. You need to plan and execute various projects based on the strategy. On the other hand, research shows only 30% of projects are successful. Many organizations are struggling to execute projects. We will assist in project management with a track record of success and many experiences to get the vision.
We will hear about your needs first, then propose a specific plan to assist. We will make clear the scope of work, timeline, and deliverables to engage.