MS Global Partners

グローバル/多国籍企業のDX戦略パートナー : The Digital Transformation Partner of Global/Multi-national companies

The profile of the company president

Shin Miyatsu is the founder and the company president of MS Global Partners. Shin has over 30 years of Digital and IT professional careers in the insurance industry with a track record of success in transformation initiatives and leadership in multi-national environments.

April 2025, Established MS Global Partners
June 2019 – March 2025, A major Japanese general insurer
General Manager, Head of Innovation team for SEA business, based in Singapore
April 2018 – May 2019, Japanese entity of a major U.S. life insurer
Director, Claims, Program lead for digital transformation
April 2016 – March 2018, Japanese entity of a Netherlands life insurer
Division Manager, Solution Delivery
April 1992 – March 2016, A major Japanese general insurer
Major experiences include CIO of the company’s U.S. entity, Head of Global IT, project manager of various transformation projects

Master of Business Administration, University of Massachusetts Lowell(2022)
Bachelor of Economics, Keio University(1992)

(Recent initiatives)
As the head of the innovation team, led the following initiatives:
– Developed a B2B2C strategy and a project plan for building an Open API platform
– Established a regional digital marketing team and developed a project plan for adapting a CRM tool
– Developed a strategy for optimizing underwriting leveraged by AI and data
– Established a task force for adapting gen-AI and executing POCs
– Build a new business model for cyber insurance with a cyber security solution
– Developed business alliance: a new partnership with a major Vietnamese bank; a business plan for a new online insurance company, JV with a local bank and an EC company; establishing a digital distribution platform with a major Philipinno bank; funding and alliance with a unicorn startup in Singapore